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Starplayer says:
its ok i am not naked haha
junee. says:
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junee. says:
Starplayer says:
ok i just wanted to ask u this q
junee. says:
hahaha whats up
Starplayer says:
can get laid or not?
.... all men are born alike. cock fest!
* * * * * * *
Just a bunch of random stuff. I haven't really been going out as I am swamped with assignments. Here are some pictures a few days old (the chocolate ones anyway). My aunty came over the house the other day to prepare chocolate gifts as hantaran for my cousin who is getting married this Friday. Feast your eyes.
These heart shaped ones were amazing but I hated transferring them because the swirly silver pattern (cocoa butter) kept transfering onto my skin.
AMAZING TRUFFLES that melted in your mouth.
White chocolate hearts which she painted with edible gold spray later.
I will try to take pictures of the finished product on the day itself. I told her to sell it on valentine's day. A few of my friends have requested it for sale! If you want to order some, contact me at (entrepreneurship at its best).
My housemates's amazing pink headphones. A steal at RM 16!! Power bass haha.
My housemate Sha decided to play wifey and cook amazing sausages at 11 pm at night. So fattening but delicious.
My housemate Sha frying these amazing sausages.
Sizzle sizzle.
My lovely bed. It's so soft with 3 layered mattresses haha!
Taking a break during assignments. Ignore puffy face/ugly hair/big nose.
BOBO the bear says HII from Paris!